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2022 China Civil Engineering Jeme Tianyou Award Excellent Residential Community "Digital Empowerment, Low Carbon Construction" Forum and Gold Award meeting was successfully held in Qingdao

Release time: 2023-03-15Author: Henan Civil Architecture Society



March 10, 2023,Guided by the Chinese Society of Civil Engineering,Housing Engineering Steering Committee of China Civil Engineering Society, China Construction Technology Group Co., LTD., Shandong Civil Engineering Society,China Construction Third Bureau Group Co., LTD., China Construction Third Bureau First Construction Engineering Co., LTD., Asia Pacific Institute of Construction Science and Technology Information Co., LTD., "Urban Building Space" magazine, "Construction Technology (Chinese and English)" magazine,Shandong Investment Construction Co., LTD., China Construction Third Bureau Group, Shanghai Zhongsen Architecture and Engineering Design Consulting Co., LTD., Qingdao Civil Engineering Society,The "2022 China Civil Engineering Jeme Tianyou Award Excellent Residential Community 'Digital Empowerment, Low Carbon Construction' Forum and Gold Award Ceremony" supported by the Building Waterproof Branch of China Construction Industry Association was successfully held in Qingdao。Xiong Yanren, deputy director of the Housing Engineering Steering Committee of China Civil Engineering Society, presided over the opening ceremony。I will recommend it."Provincial Youth Talent Apartment Chenhui Garden Project"Won the "2022 China Civil Engineering Jeme Tianyou Award Excellent Residential District Gold Award"。




Director of Housing Engineering Steering Committee of China Civil Engineering Society

The year 2023 is the first year for fully implementing the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress, and it is also a key year for implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan。At the ongoing National Two sessions, "energy saving and carbon reduction" has become the key word of heated discussion on behalf of members。Therefore, we must firmly follow the new path of green and low-carbon circular development, anchor the goal of "double carbon" and "double control", accelerate the promotion of building carbon peak and carbon neutral action, and integrate digital technology into the construction industry to help the industry transformation and improve quality and efficiency。The conference was strongly supported and guided by the Chinese Society of Civil Engineering and local branches,I would like to express my heartfelt thanks,To further promote technical exchanges and experience promotion in the industry,It is also hoped that more enterprises can join the housing engineering Steering committee of China Civil Engineering Society in the future work,Become a member of China Civil Engineering Society,Work together,Jointly promote the scientific and technological progress in the field of housing engineering in China。


Wen Jiangtao

Chief engineer of the First Construction Engineering Co., LTD., China Construction Third Bureau

From the "Shenzhen Speed" in the 1980s, the "Zhuhai model" in the 1990s, the "Xiongan Quality" in the new era, to the "China Speed" of the perfect delivery of Leishenshan Hospital in 12 days in 2020, showing the power of "China construction", scientific and technological innovation has always been our magic weapon to win。During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, we will continue to deeply promote the strategy of science and technology empowerment, deepen the reform of scientific and technological innovation mechanisms, promote digital transformation, smart construction and development, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises。At the same time, we take the initiative to assume the responsibility of social development, actively participate in the scientific and technological innovation and development of industry construction, fully cooperate with the implementation of intelligent construction scientific and technological innovation work, and escort the industry vision of "green construction" and "low-carbon construction"。


Song Yizhong

Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Shandong Civil and Architectural Society, Chairman of Shandong Academy of Building Science Co., LTD

For a long time, China's civil construction field mainly relies on the input of resource factors, large-scale investment to drive development, low level of industrialization and information technology, extensive production methods,Problems such as low labor efficiency, large consumption of energy and resources, lack of scientific and technological innovation ability are more prominent, the integration of the industry with advanced information technology and digital technology is not enough, and the development and application of the construction industry Internet and construction robots are insufficient。Especially during the epidemic prevention and control period that has just ended,The traditional construction method has been greatly impacted,There is an urgent need to accelerate the push towards digital empowerment,Integrate 5G, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other new technologies,To form an intelligent construction industrial system covering the whole industrial chain integration of scientific research, design, production and processing, construction and assembly, operation and maintenance,We will embark on a new path of intensive and high-quality development。



Qingdao construction management service center director

In recent years, under the correct leadership of Qingdao Municipal Committee and Municipal Government and the care and guidance of the provincial housing and Construction Department, the city's urban and rural housing construction has made great progress。First, the quality of the project has always remained at the forefront of the country。In the past five years, Qingdao has deeply implemented the strategy of strong quality and strong quality province, focused on the housing issues concerned by the people, and innovated and promoted the Qingdao model of "prior housing after housing", and the quality of construction projects has steadily improved。Second, green and low-carbon development continues to bring forth new ideas。As the country's first green city construction and development pilot and the country's first batch of government procurement to support green building materials to promote the improvement of building quality pilot, Qingdao actively explores ways to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality in the field of residential construction from multiple angles, and carries out pilot construction demonstration of near-zero energy consumption and zero carbon building projects。Third, the construction of smart site is bearing full fruit。Qingdao has deeply implemented the deployment of digital China and digital strong Province, anchored the "541" development goal with the guidance of the province's new smart city and smart site construction, and created a "smart engine" to promote the high-quality development of the construction industry.。


Liu Yutao

Second inspector of Shandong Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Real estate is a pillar industry of the national economy linked to livelihood security and economic and social development。In recent years, Shandong has resolutely implemented the series of decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and The State Council on real estate work, firmly adhered to the positioning of "housing without speculation", and focused on stabilizing land prices, stabilizing housing prices, and stabilizing expectations, so as to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market。In 2022, the province's new commercial housing network signed area 1.2.8 billion square meters, ranking first in the country, accounting for the proportion of 11.4%, an increase of 2% over previous years.Two percentage points 。We always take the improvement of people's living quality as a top priority, and have cultivated a number of new high-quality residential projects represented by high-star green buildings, passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings, steel structures, and smart residential areas in the province。


Shang Chunming

Vice President of China Civil Engineering Society 

Housing construction is not only related to the quality of life of hundreds of millions of families, to meet the people's growing needs for a better life is of great significance, but also related to the sustainable development of China's social economy and urban and rural construction, and is particularly key to the national strategic goal of promoting energy conservation and emission reduction。What is a "good house"??What is the standard of a "good house" in the new era?I think we can think systematically from the two dimensions of "demand supply of livable quality" and "economic and social development mode"。In terms of the "demand and supply of livable quality" of housing, "good houses" should better meet the growing needs of the people for a better living life, comprehensively improve the quality of new housing, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security。As far as the "social and economic development mode" of housing is concerned, it meets the requirements of national policy guidance, promotes the green and low-carbon development of urban and rural construction, and achieves the strategic goal of "carbon neutrality" and "carbon peak"。

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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